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PGS provides images and 3D models of the subsurface beneath the ocean floor that oil companies use to find oil and gas reserves worldwide. Our services include acquisition and processing, imaging, reservoir analysis and interpretation of seismic and EM data. 

We are a leader in our field. To maintain our lead we continuously train and develop our people, as well as improve our technology. PGS employees are talented people from a wide variety of fields. Much is expected of them and they are rewarded for their performance.

PGS provides seismic images and 3D data describing the subsurface beneath the ocean floor, that oil companies rely on to find oil and gas reserves worldwide. Our business is data-driven. Using the latest technology, we provide a world-class MultiClient library, seismic acquisition, processing and imaging services. 

PGS provides reliable images and 3D data about the subsurface. Oil and gas companies use this data to find and produce hydrocarbon reserves.

Oil and gas companies use PGS data for both exploration and production. In the exploration phase, seismic data is used to investigate regional geology and to locate reservoirs and spot traps during the search for new reserves. Later, in the production phase, accurate data with reliable attributes is necessary to plan the interventions required to produce efficiently from existing reservoirs over the life of a field. 

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